Sunday 7 April 2019

GO for 'Goal'

We all aim to be ‘successful’ and it’s our definition of success which needs both refinement and perseverance in efforts for it to be achieved. We all know that it’s a simple 3 step process:
-       Have desire to succeed;
-       Put together a plan to succeed;
-       Persevere till success is yours.

We all make transitions in our personal and professional life with a plan and hope to succeed in the new endeavour. We all draft some plans and attempt to adhere to same, but one important aspect we all forget to ‘Cut the ropes.

While various efforts are required for success to be yours it’s extremely critical that we untie the rope which is holding our boat from reaching to the island. Our faults, our shortcomings, our vain regrets need to be cut off before we start on our journey to the land of success and happiness.

What we need to know is where we are going?  We need to just help ensure that we have a plan and are not just drifting away in life. Every day is a day of reckoning, every tomorrow is a new hope, pregnant with priceless possibilities, waiting to be delivered from the womb of ‘Time’.

Always have a purpose in life and determination to achieve your Goals. But these are not the only requirements to reach to your ‘goal’, what is most critical is set of actions required to be taken to understand help us reach our ‘GOals’.

Have a plan – Have the zeal – persevere & GO for your ‘Goals’!!

Friday 31 August 2018

Never STOP learning...bcoz Life NEVER stops TEACHING

For me continuous learning is very exciting and encouraging. As am a working professional and exposed to stream of Digital marketing what I have always questioned is the difference between Digital Marketing & Marketing in a Digital World.

After days of thinking have realised that its NOT Either/ Or but its 'AND' which will help me Learn & Grow -both Professionally and personally.

Digital marketing for me will be understanding the 'Science' of the subject while applying the same for my brands and business will be the 'Art' of it.

From context of my continuous learning & development was exposed to a recent analogy of 'Egg Theory'...It's when the internal pressure is created within an Egg that a life takes a form, but it's the external pressure when allowed to be applied on an Egg a Life is destroyed. Here, in context of self development when we push ourselves to learn and grow we see success and when allowed to be pushed by outside world our shell breaks and we succumb to pressure and kill our natural self.

Never allow things to pile up and kill your inherent desire to learn ...success will be YOUR's for sure !!

Cheers !

Sunday 11 March 2018

To wield macro trends focus on micro-marketing

At rock bottom, its consumer trends which controls every aspect of every industry. Cultural nuances and shifts towards healthier living might become a boon for gym's and exercise equipments firms but might be a crisis for fast food brands. The core for any business is to stay relevant and focus their energies for a sustainable and profitable business growth.

We marketer's often at the first go categorise all ideas under the two heads - Strategic or Tactical. More often the macro consumer trends observed by young budding managers and when supported with an action for overcoming the new challenge is classified as 'Tactical' in nature. While, a similar idea if kept on hold with a need to understand better in coming days by answering the 5W&1H is classified as 'Strategic'

All we need to understand the strength of an emerging trend is to place one-self in the frame and see relevance of the budding idea or changing dynamics. If the answer is in agreement to the growing consumer need the trend is clearly here to stay. This is the right time for a marketer to shift his energies from holding on to understanding the emerging macro trend but rather in parallel focus on micro level marketing initiatives to make the best of the given opportunity. 

Micro marketing initiatives done at this stage helps brand speak to consumers in language that is not only more relevant but even more close to their mind and heart. These initiatives done at regional or local level at an early stage helps brand take first mover advantage and strengthen its bond with consumers by being more culturally and socially relevant for future.

The typical spray-and-pray approach is often utilised by brands with multi million dollar budgets hoping to boost brand awareness and affinity. If as marketer you want to maximise opportunities of growth and leverage the emerging trends, rather than waiting for trends to go really big and someone else taking the first mover advantage the solution lies in micro marketing which helps you derive the best bang for your buck.

Micro marketing initiatives here should not be related only to geographically restricted audience or consumers but new age micro marketing solutions like small investments made towards influencer marketing , hyper local targeting and nice community engagement as these elements have the potential to pay rich dividends for brands keen to make best use of emerging trends and who know where their core audience / consumers live digitally and physically. 

Friday 24 February 2017

Dynasty politics

A lot has been spoken about dynasty politics and not only spoken but experienced by all Indians over the last 65+ yrs of Independence. If the same was not enough we have family linens being washed in public and there are debates about it being s well thought through strategy or only an unfortunate happening. I don't think the same would have been spoken much had elections been not there round the corner and its only people sentiments which we are playing with to further loot their hard earned money. Politics has to aim at development and resolving country's bugger issues and not only taking pot-shot at others. 

GO for 'Goal'

We all aim to be ‘successful’ and it’s our definition of success which needs both refinement and perseverance in efforts...